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How to troubleshoot 'Reference isn't valid' and Broken Formulae in Smart Workpapers
How to troubleshoot 'Reference isn't valid' and Broken Formulae in Smart Workpapers

This article aims to help users troubleshoot error message 'Reference isn't valid' and other formula errors #NULL!, #VALUE!, #REF! or #NAME!

Updated over 2 months ago

This article explains how to resolve the error message 'Reference isn't valid' that appears when clicking a hyperlink in a Smart Workpapers Excel file. Additionally, it addresses error values like #NULL!, #VALUE!, or #NAME! that may appear in Excel cells. These issues typically occur due to an improperly installed XLL Add-in for HowNow Smart Workpapers Formulas.


  1. Clicking a hyperlink/coded action/button in a Smart Workpapers Excel starter file results in the error message: 'Reference isn't valid'. Despite the error, the hyperlink may still function correctly.

  2. Excel worksheets display error values like #NULL!, #VALUE!, or #NAME! in cells that typically work as expected.


The hyperlink error occurs because the formula =CurrentCell() is unable to calculate the cell reference. This formula is part of the HowNow Smart Workpapers Formulas Excel Add-in component, which may not be installed or registered correctly.


Look For Smart workpaper addin components disabled or inactive

  1. Open Excel.

  2. Go to File > Options > Add-ins.

  3. If the Formula's addin is missing then; select Excel Add-ins in the Manage dropdown below, then press Go.

Tick the HowNow Smart Workpapers Formulas Addin and press ok.

Similarly, you can check the Disabled section under Manage and enable any addins that resemble Smart Workpapers Formulas or or similar and click Enable.

Afterwards close and reopen Excel to check if the formulas or Errors have resolved.

Note: If the Add-in disables itself on restart, try opening Excel as an administrator and re-enable the Add-in.

If the Add-in does not exist

If the HowNow Smart Workpapers Formulas Add-in is not listed:

  1. Confirm installation by referring to the Installation article.

  2. Check the following registry key to ensure the Add-in is registered:


    Look for an OPEN key pointing to a .dll file in the installation directory. If absent, the Add-in may have been deleted, removed, or never installed.

  3. To re-register the Add-in:

    • Locate the RegisterAddins.bat file in the installation directory (available in versions and later).

    • Double-click the file to register the HowNow Smart Workpapers Formulas Add-in.

If the Add-in exists and is ticked

If the Add-in is listed and enabled, try the following steps:

  1. Press F9 to force a workbook recalculation.

  2. Test the formula by typing =CurrentCell() in a blank cell:

    • If the formula returns a correct result, the Add-in is functioning.

    • If it returns #VALUE!, contact support for further assistance.

There is an unusual looking entry called or something similar:

If an unusual entry such as appears in the Active Applications Add-ins section of the File > Options > Add-ins Screen of Excel:

This usually occurs when a user who has installed the normal Add-in and then the ‘multi-user’ Add-in. Our installation instructions require uninstallation of the normal Add-in prior to installing the multi-user Add-in. You need to remove this entry in Excel and reinstall. We would suggest something along the lines of:

  • Install the normal Add-in.

  • Uninstall the normal Add-in.

  • Install the multi-user Add-in.

A secondary potential issue is where Windows thinks the Excel instance is running with 64-bit, so the installer loads the 64-bit version of the Add-in, while it is actually running in 32-bit (or vice-versa). In this case updating the registry key at HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Office/Excel/16.0/OPTIONS and updating the OPEN key to point to the right adxloader.dll fixes the issue.

Conflicting 3rd Party Add-ins

Here are also some conflicting 3rd party add-ins from previous testing, which can cause formula issues. This includes the following addins:

  1. LEAP Excel Add-in

  2. Templafy Excel Add-in

  3. Sage X3 Office Excel Add-in (may require Office repair after disabling)

  4. HowNow Office Add-in

  5. Kofax Convert PDF Excel Addin & Kofax Export PDF Addin

If the issue persists, please attempt the steps in our General Smart Workpapers Troubleshooting Steps guide.

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