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Navigating Trophy Rooms
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Written by FifthDomain
Updated over a week ago

πŸ“– Note: This article explains how users can navigate to and view Trophy Rooms on the platform.

What is a Trophy Room?

The Trophy Room is a page where you can view all the trophies you can earn through specific activities on the platform, such as participating in competitions and assessments. Trophies recognise your achievements on the platform, and in the Trophy Room, you can see the trophy tiers you have earned, track your progress toward the next trophy tiers, and find information on how to unlock the tiers that you have yet to achieve.

Navigating to a User's Trophy Room

There are two pathways to navigate to a user's Trophy Room. These are detailed below:

Viewing your own Trophy Room

To view your own Trophy Room, ensure that you have selected the Participate mode on the sidebar. From the Participate Home Page, you will see a Trophy Room card [1]. This card will display the five trophies you have most recently obtained [2] (if applicable), each with a trophy image, tier number/count, and name. Click the View button [3] to open your Trophy Room page.

Viewing another user's Trophy Room

To view another user's Trophy Room, you must be an affiliated user to an organisation, and you must have either the Manage Users or View Insights permissions.

Ensure that you have selected the Manage mode [1] on the sidebar. Next, click the Affiliated button [2] on the sidebar. From the Affiliated Users page, click View Profile [3] for the user whose Trophy Room you wish to view. This will take you to the user's profile view.

Once you have navigated to the user's profile, you will see a Trophy Room card. This card will display the five trophies they have most recently obtained [1] (if applicable), each with a trophy image, tier number/count, and name. Click the View button [2] to open the user's Trophy Room page.

πŸ“– Note: you can only view a user's Trophy Room if they are also an affiliated user to your organisation. You cannot view Trophy Rooms for non-affiliated users to your organisation.

Viewing the Trophy Room Page

Navigating Trophy Room Tabs

Once you have navigated to a user's Trophy Room (whether that is your own or another affiliated user's), you will be able to see tabs filtering trophies by categories. An overview of trophy categories is below.

πŸ† Overview of Trophy Categories:

  • Achieve Trophies: trophies which are awarded for demonstrating technical and performance-related excellence on the platform, such as obtaining point milestones, demonstrating excellence in Professional specialties, and winning competitions.

  • Engage Trophies: trophies which are awarded for demonstrating consistent engagement with the platform and dedication toward its events and content.

  • Contribute Trophies: trophies which are awarded for contributing knowledge, support, and learning to the platform, such as via creation of challenges for events, helping team members in competitions, and providing support as a mentor in a course.

By default, the All tab [1], showing all trophies available, will be selected. Click the Achieve tab [2], Engage tab [3], or Contribute tab [4] to filter your view of trophies respectively.

Reading Trophy Room Sections

On the Trophy Room page, trophies are grouped into various sections.

πŸ“– Note: there are differences between each trophy and trophy group.

Some trophies have tiers, meaning there are different levels of the same trophy group that you can unlock. To unlock a tier, you need to have unlocked the previous tier and fulfilled the criteria for the next one. For instance, the Point Prowess trophy has five tiers. To unlock Tier II, you must first unlock Tier I and meet the criteria for Tier II.

Some trophies in the same group are not tier-based. The Competition Champion trophy group has three types of trophies - Gold, Silver and Bronze. Each of these are separate non-tier-based trophies which can be earned independently of each other. To earn a Gold trophy, you do not need to have previously earned a Silver and/or Bronze trophy.

Other trophies may have counts, meaning that you can unlock the same trophy multiple times. For example, Competition Champion Gold trophy can be unlocked any number of times. There are separate counts for how many times a user has unlocked Competition Champion Gold trophies as part of individual or team competitions.

The specific requirements to obtain specific trophies, and their tiers and counts (if applicable), are detailed in respective sections on the Trophy Room page.

On each trophy section, you will be able to view the trophy name [1], trophy description [2], and each tier or count image [3]. For trophies which require specific targets to be met over time, you will see a progress section [4].

Each trophy you have unlocked will be lit up in full colour [1]. Trophies you are yet to unlock will be greyed out [2].

πŸ“– Note: Once you fulfil the criteria required for obtaining a trophy, you will unlock that trophy. Once unlocked, a trophy cannot be lost or relocked. For example, if you have been awarded a Competition Champion trophy as part of a team competition, that trophy will remain in your Trophy Room even if you leave the team after receiving it.

Similarly, if you do not fulfil the criteria required for obtaining a trophy, you will not unlock it. For example, if you join a team that was awarded a Competition Champion trophy as part of a team competition after the team was awarded the trophy, you will not receive the trophy upon joining the team, as you were not a member of the winning team in that specific competition.

Each trophy card has a View button. Clicking this button opens a modal showing detailed progress across tiers for that specific trophy.

Viewing Expanded Trophy Modals

Once you click View on a trophy section, a modal will open showing you an expanded view of that trophy and its tiers/versions (if applicable).

Tier-Based Trophy Modals

For tier-based trophies, on each modal, you will be able to see the following:

  • An enlarged view of the current highest trophy tier you have achieved [1] (as well as the unlock method for that trophy tier);

  • A view of each trophy tier [2] available (for these you will be able to see the tier name, lock/unlock status, and for unlocked tiers, you will see an unlock date);

  • A progress section [3] showing the next tier you are in progress to unlock, as well as any specific targets you need to reach to unlock the next tier (these may be point and/or skill targets);

You can hover over each trophy tier image to receive a hover tooltip providing you more information on specific tiers, such as the trophy tier unlock status and unlock method.

Understanding Trophies with Multiple Unlock Targets

Some trophies have more than one requirement to be fulfilled before being unlocked. For instance, Tier II and above of the Professional Specialty Completionist trophies require a user to fulfil a point target [1] (in this case, a specific number of points within a specific Professional Specialty), as well as a skill target [2] (demonstration of a specific number of skills within a certain Professional Specialty, at a specific minimum proficiency level).

In these cases, all unlock targets need to be met before the trophy tier is obtained. If some targets have been met, but not others, the trophy tier will not be unlocked.

For example, if a point target has been met, but not a skill target, you will see a 'Point target reached!' message.

Similarly, if a skill target has been met but not a point target, you will see a 'Skill target reached!' message.

Once all unlock targets have been met, you will be awarded the relevant trophy tier. The progress section on the relevant modal will then refresh to reflect the new next tier you are yet to unlock.

Count-Based Trophy Modals

For count-based trophies, on each modal, you will be able to see the following:

  • An enlarged view of the trophy you have achieved [1] (as well as the unlock method for that trophy and latest count number);

  • A section for each trophy count awarded [2] (for these you will be able to see details such as the specific count name and count award date);

In the case of the Competition Champion trophy modal, the different trophies in the Competition Champion trophy group (i.e. Gold, Silver, Bronze), are divided into tabs. Simply click the tab for the specific trophy you wish to view.

Overview of Trophies and Unlock Methods

The tables below show a list of all trophies currently available to be earned by users on the platform, as well as their unlock methods. You can also view all unlock methods in the platform directly, as described above.

Achieve Trophies

Trophy Name

Unlock Method

Point Prowess

Tier I:

Earn 3000 points in total across any Professional Specialties.

Tier II:

Earn 5000 points in total across any Professional Specialties.

Tier III:

Earn 8000 points in total across any Professional Specialties.

Tier IV:

Earn 13000 points in total across any Professional Specialties.

Tier V:
Earn 21000 points in total across any Professional Specialties.

Competition Champion


Earn first place in an individual competition or be a member of the first-place team in a team competition.


Earn second place in an individual competition or be a member of the second-place team in a team competition.


Earn third place in an individual competition or be a member of the third-place team in a team competition.

Intelligence Completionist

Tier I:

Earn 500 points in Intelligence.

Tier II:

Earn 800 points in Intelligence + Demonstrate 2 x Intelligence skills at Proficiency Level 2 or above.

Tier III:

Earn 1300 points in Intelligence + Demonstrate 3 x Intelligence skills at Proficiency Level 3 or above.

Tier IV:

Earn 2100 points in Intelligence + Demonstrate 4 x Intelligence skills at Proficiency Level 4 or above.

Tier V:

Earn 3400 points in Intelligence + Demonstrate 5 x Intelligence skills at Proficiency Level 5 or above.

Penetration Completionist

Tier I:

Earn 500 points in Penetration.

Tier II:

Earn 800 points in Penetration + Demonstrate 2 x Penetration skills at Proficiency Level 2 or above.

Tier III:

Earn 1300 points in Penetration + Demonstrate 3 x Penetration skills at Proficiency Level 3 or above.

Tier IV:

Earn 2100 points in Penetration + Demonstrate 4 x Penetration skills at Proficiency Level 4 or above.

Tier V:

Earn 3400 points in Penetration + Demonstrate 5 x Penetration skills at Proficiency Level 5 or above.

Protection Completionist

Tier I:

Earn 500 points in Protection.

Tier II:

Earn 800 points in Protection + Demonstrate 2 x Protection skills at Proficiency Level 2 or above.

Tier III:

Earn 1300 points in Protection + Demonstrate 3 x Protection skills at Proficiency Level 3 or above.

Tier IV:

Earn 2100 points in Protection + Demonstrate 4 x Protection skills at Proficiency Level 4 or above.

Tier V:

Earn 3400 points in Protection + Demonstrate 5 x Protection skills at Proficiency Level 5 or above.

Detection Completionist

Tier I:

Earn 500 points in Detection.

Tier II:

Earn 800 points in Detection + Demonstrate 2 x Detection skills at Proficiency Level 2 or above.

Tier III:

Earn 1300 points in Detection + Demonstrate 3 x Detection skills at Proficiency Level 3 or above.

Tier IV:

Earn 2100 points in Detection + Demonstrate 4 x Detection skills at Proficiency Level 4 or above.

Tier V:

Earn 3400 points in Detection + Demonstrate 5 x Detection skills at Proficiency Level 5 or above.

Engineering Completionist

Tier I:

Earn 500 points in Engineering.

Tier II:

Earn 800 points in Engineering + Demonstrate 2 x Engineering skills at Proficiency Level 2 or above.

Tier III:

Earn 1300 points in Engineering + Demonstrate 3 x Engineering skills at Proficiency Level 3 or above.

Tier IV:

Earn 2100 points in Engineering + Demonstrate 4 x Engineering skills at Proficiency Level 4 or above.

Tier V:

Earn 3400 points in Engineering + Demonstrate 5 x Engineering skills at Proficiency Level 5 or above.

Investigation Completionist

Tier I:

Earn 500 points in Investigation.

Tier II:

Earn 800 points in Investigation + Demonstrate 2 x Investigation skills at Proficiency Level 2 or above.

Tier III:

Earn 1300 points in Investigation + Demonstrate 3 x Investigation skills at Proficiency Level 3 or above.

Tier IV:

Earn 2100 points in Investigation + Demonstrate 4 x Investigation skills at Proficiency Level 4 or above.

Tier V:

Earn 3400 points in Investigation + Demonstrate 5 x Investigation skills at Proficiency Level 5 or above.

πŸ“– Note: If you solve a challenge in one event and then solve the same challenge again in another event, the points from that challenge will only contribute to your trophy progress once.

For example, if a user has achieved 7800 points and is 200 points away from Point Prowess Tier II, solving a 200-point challenge in an assessment will not increase their points if they had already solved that challenge in a competition. In this case, their points will remain at 7800, and they will not receive Point Prowess II.

Engage Trophies

Trophy Name

Unlock Method

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Contribute Trophies

Trophy Name

Unlock Method

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

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