Step 1: Access the Admin Section
Go to the admin section, and click 'Learner'. This will navigate you to the Learner editing page.
Step 2: Create a Category
Click on "Add A New Category +" and create a category. If you only like specific people or groups to see the content in this category you can click on the 'Restrict content' button.
Step 3: Create a New Course
Click on "New Course" to create a new course. From here you can add a cover image, and the course title.
Assign the course to the category you created earlier (if it isn't already). If you have other categories, you can move the course to a different category.
Step 4: Building Chapters and Lessons
Click on the course to be redirected to a page where you can start building chapters and lessons.
Click the Settings button to update the course name, delete it, or publish it
Start by clicking 'Add A New Chapter +', then to add content to your lessons, click on "New Lesson +".
Step 5: Adding Content to Lessons
You have five different types of content to add:
Content (Video and or Text)
Process Maps
Embedded Pages
Step 6: Publish the Course and Category
*To have your team mates see your course please make sure to publish the lesson, chapter, course and category.
Step 7: Viewing the Course from the User's Perspective
To see how it looks from the user's perspective, go to the "Learn" section and then "Courses."
You will see the category and the course you created. Click on the course to access the chapters and lessons.
You can view the different types of content you added, including video, text, quizzes, process maps, and embedded content.
Congratulations, you've successfully created and published your first course!
To watch this tutorial in a video, click below.