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Duplicate Record in Listings Tab
Duplicate Record in Listings Tab
Bryn Humble avatar
Written by Bryn Humble
Updated over a week ago

Removing Duplicate Records in the Listings tab

If there is a duplicate record in your Listings tab, this means one of two things; either you have updated the Owner Re-Let Instructions field in your Vacates tab to 'Advertise' multiple times, or you have updated your Property Status field in your Pipeline tab to 'Upcoming Listing' multiple times.

If you’ve updated the Vacates tab, you’ll need to look at the Owner Re-Let Instructions field to determine if ‘Advertise’ has been selected multiple times, which can result in duplicate records.

If you’ve updated the Pipeline tab, you’ll need to look at the Property Status field to determine if ‘Upcoming Listing’ has been selected multiple times, which can result in duplicate records.

To remove the duplicate record, simply leave a comment on the record explaining the situation (i.e. "this is a duplicate, archiving record").

The next step is to update the Status field to "Withdrawn". The record will then disappear from your view.

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