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Automation is Failing
Automation is Failing
Bryn Humble avatar
Written by Bryn Humble
Updated over a week ago

Troubleshooting a failing automation in Airtable

If you are finding that an automation is failing, you can troubleshoot and fix the issue right in your base.

Simply click on the 'Automations' button at the top of your base. This will take you to your Automations dashboard. Here, you can create and edit automations.

On your left is your list of automations. When you click on one, it will open up the automation in the centre of your page, and on the right is your editing settings.

Up the top right of your screen, you should see 'Run History'. If you click this, you can see a list of instances where an automation has run, including when it failed or succeeded.

If you expand the failed instance, you may be able to see what the issue was.

If the issue is easily identified here, you can go and rectify it in Airtable and then test the automation on another record to check that it's been fixed correctly.

If you are unsure of how to fix an automation or feel uncomfortable making changes to the base or automation, it is best to speak to your CSM who will be able to make the necessary rectifications for you in no time.

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