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Managing affiliation of other affiliated users in your organisation
Managing affiliation of other affiliated users in your organisation
FifthDomain avatar
Written by FifthDomain
Updated over 10 months ago

This article gives detailed information for affiliated users with "Manage Users" permission to manage affiliation of other affiliated users in the organisation.

Accessing Affiliated Users page

When you have "Manage Users" permission granted, you will be able to see Users card on the left navigation bar in the Manage[1] mode. Under the Users[2] card, click on Affiliated Users[3] option.

This opens the Affiliated Users table [4], from where you can manage existing affiliated users and send out new affiliation requests.

To learn more about affiliation, you can refer to this article.

Inviting new users with Affiliated request

To extend an invitation to new users along with an affiliation request, simply click the Invite Affiliated Users button on the Affiliated Users page.

Upon doing so, an invitation form will appear, allowing you to enter the email addresses of the prospective invitees in the Invitee Email Addresses[1] field. For inviting multiple users at once, simply space apart each email address.

Initially, invited users are automatically granted 'Participate' and 'Manage Profile' permissions. Should you wish to grant additional managerial permissions, these can be selected from the Assign Managerial Permissions[2] dropdown menu, with the capability to choose several permissions simultaneously. The chosen permissions will apply to all users invited in that specific instance. For more information about optional permissions, please see the User Permissions Explainer[3] article, also linked in the invitation form.

Tip: To distribute varying permissions among different users, it's advisable to organise your invitations into separate batches, each corresponding to the unique combination of permissions you intend to assign.

Optionally, you can allocate these participants to existing groups in your organisation effortlessly by clicking on the group selection dropdown[4]. Utilising checkboxes, you have the capability to select multiple groups simultaneously. However, the system might generate an error if multiple groups are chosen and the participant is added to groups associated with the same course. This occurs because a participant cannot be simultaneously involved in the same course through more than one group.

In order to proceed with the invitation, you would need to review and accept the terms related to affiliation. If you agree with these, select the Checkboxes[1], and click Invite[2] to send the affiliation requests, or cancel the form by clicking the Cancel [3] button.

The invited users receive an email, from where they can confirm if they would like to be affiliated with your organisation. After they confirm, depending on their registration status on the platform, they are taken to the registration or log in screen. As soon as they log in, their affiliation status is confirmed.

Viewing Affiliated Users

This page has three tabs:

  • All Individuals

  • Participants: Here, you'll find users who have confirmed their affiliation and possess solely the "Participate" permission.

  • Groups: This area allows for the management of your organisation's groups, including the capabilities to create new groups, edit existing ones, and delete them as necessary.

All Individuals tab

This section displays every affiliated user within your organisation, encompassing all levels of permissions and every affiliation status (pending, confirmed, and expired). You can manage affiliation of other users in your organisation under this tab.

Under the Users table, you can see :

  1. The name of the user, if the user has registered and confirmed their affiliation.

  2. Their Registration status:

    1. Invited: When they have been invited but have not yet registered.

    2. Registered: When they have registered.

  3. Affiliation Status: All users listed in the table are categorised by their current status:

    • Pending: This status applies from the moment an affiliation request is dispatched until the user either confirms the affiliation or the request link expires.

    • Confirmed: Users who have accepted the affiliation through the invitation email and have subsequently logged into the platform are marked as confirmed.

    • Expired: An affiliation request link will expire 30 days after its initial dispatch. However, sending the request again will reset this expiration timer (further details on resending affiliation requests are provided below).

  4. Date of affiliation: This is when the request was sent to the user

  5. Email Address

  6. Alias

  7. Groups that the user is part of.

  8. Action menu icon. Depending on the affiliation status, there are different actions you can perform for the user in regards to management of their affiliation. Further details on different affiliation actions are provided below.

Managing Affiliated Users

As mentioned above, depending on the affiliation status, there are different actions you can perform for the user in regards to management of their affiliation and permissions.

Viewing/Editing Users

You can view the events a user is assigned, and view or edit their permissions by clicking on the action[1] icon on the user row, and then clicking Edit[2] button. Note: that you can only edit the permissions of confirmed affiliated users.

This opens a drawer with the list of permissions this user has been assigned, and the list of events that they have been assigned.

Using checkboxes[3] , you can edit their permissions. Click Save[4] to save the edited permissions or Cancel[5] to cancel saving the changes.

For the users with pending and expired status; and for yourself, you can only view and not edit the permissions.

Even though you can see yourself in this list as an affiliated user, you will not be able to edit your own permissions. This is to maintain the integrity, security and privacy within organisations.

Resending Affiliation Request

This action can be performed for users with "Pending" and "Expired" affiliation status. If due to some reason, you would like to send an invitation with affiliation request again while the request is still pending or if the affiliation request has crossed the 30 days mark and is now expired, you can do so by using the "Resend Affiliation request" functionality.

Simply click on the row action icon[1], and choose the Resend Affiliation Request[2] option from the dropdown.

This opens a confirmation modal. Click Send Affiliation Request to confirm or click Cancel to cancel resending the request.

Upon this, the user who is sent the affiliation request would receive an email to respond to the request. Their status of affiliation still remains pending until they accept the request.

It is also important to note that this will reset the expiry to 30 days from the time of resent affiliation request.

Revoke Affiliation Request

An affiliation can be revoked before it is confirmed by the user. This means that if for a user whose affiliation request status is pending, or has been expired, you can revoke their affiliation request if you choose to do so.

Simply click on the row action icon[1], and choose the Revoke Affiliation Request[2] option from the dropdown.

This opens a confirmation modal. Click Yes, Revoke button to confirm, or click Cancel to cancel revoking the request.

Upon this, the user whose request has been revoked will not be affiliated even if they click "Confirm" on the request email. This user is moved to the Non-Affiliated users page in your organisation if they have participated or have been invited to participate in at least one of your organisation's events.
If they have not participated in even a single competition, or don't have an invitation to an ongoing event, they are completely removed from the organisation.

Disaffiliating a User

For only users with confirmed affiliated status, you can choose to disaffiliate them from your organisation. After disaffiliating a user, they are moved to the Non-Affiliated users page in your organisation if they have participated or have been invited to participate in at least one of your organisation's events.
If they have not participated in even a single competition, or don't have an invitation to an ongoing event, they are completely removed from the organisation.

To disaffiliate a user, simply click on the row action icon[1], and choose the Disaffiliate[2] option from the dropdown.

This opens a confirmation modal. Click Disaffiliate button to confirm the disaffiliation, or click Cancel to cancel disaffiliating the user.

Participants tab

This is the tab that gives you a filtered view of what you see on the All Individual's tab by showing you the affiliated users with only "Participate" and "manage profile" permission.

You wont be able to tweak their permissions from this page, which you can do so from the All individual's tab.

Groups tab

In this tab, you can create new groups, and view and edit existing groups in your organisation.

Non-affiliated users

Non-Affiliated users are those which are not affiliated to your organisation, however they have participated in your organisation's events or are invited to events in your organisation.

Click on the Non-Affiliated Users[1] card on the left navigation bar under Users. This opens the Non-Affiliated Users page. In the Non-Affiliated users[2] table, you can see:

  1. Name of registered users

  2. Registration status- whether they have registered or not.

  3. Alias

  4. Email Address

  5. Event types they have been assigned.

  6. Row action icon

You can view a non-affiliated user by clicking View button from the row action dropdown. This opens a drawer from where you can view the events the user has been assigned.

Sending Affiliation request to a Non-affiliated user

You can send affiliation request to a non-affiliated user by clicking the Send Affiliation Request button from the row action dropdown.

This opens a confirmation modal. Here review and agree to the terms of affiliation by using the checkboxes. Click the Send Affiliation Request button to confirm the action, and press Cancel to cancel sending the affiliation request.

Upon this, an email is sent out to the user from where they can confirm the affiliation, and the user is moved to the Affiliated Users page with pending status.

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