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Affiliation and Managerial Permissions for Affiliated users
Affiliation and Managerial Permissions for Affiliated users
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Written by FifthDomain
Updated over 9 months ago

This article provides detailed information on the concept of Affiliation between a user and an organisation, and the managerial permissions that can be assigned to an affiliated user.


Affiliation is a central concept to the FifthDomain platform, allowing a user to align with one organisation at a time. This is a bilateral agreement between the user and an organisation which is initiated by the organisation and confirmed by the user. However, either party can break the affiliation at any time without the confirmation of the other.

An overview of key terms related to affiliation are below:


Our platform operates as an enterprise-level software, and each enterprise account within it is referred to as an "organisation." These organisations are configured differently depending on their subscription. Crucially, organisations own the events such as Capture The Flags (CTFs), cyber assessments, and courses and also own all the skills data related to these events. An organisation manages its content, events, users and insights , facilitating a tailored for their needs related to identifying, upskilling or engaging cyber talent.


On the FifthDomain platform, a "user" is defined as an individual who engages with the platform's various features and functionalities, including participating in cyber assessments, competitions, and courses; and/or managing aspects within an organisation if they are affiliated to that organisation. A user is an independent entity on the platform and is free to participate in any event on the platform hosted by any organisation, provided they are invited to that event.

Affiliated and Non-affiliated user:

From the point of view of an organisation, a user can be either affiliated or non-affiliated.

Affiliated user: When a user accepts affiliation request sent by the organisation , the affiliation between a user and the organisation is established and we refer to this user as "Affiliated User". A user can be affiliated to an organisation at a given point in time maintaining the independence for platform wide engagement. Therefore, affiliation does not restrict users from participating in events hosted by other organisations, maintaining the platform's ethos of open learning and engagement.

Non-affiliated user: This is a user that is not affiliated to the organisation but has participated in the organisation's events. A user may be a non-affiliated user is multiple organisations but affiliated in only one, meaning that a non-affiliated user within an organisation may be affiliated to some other organisation.

Note: The affiliation status is only visible to the affiliated organisation and no other organisation can see this information.

Managing affiliation within an organisation

To understand how to manage affiliation of other users in an organisation, refer to this article.

Within an organisation, affiliated users with "Manage Users" permission can manage affiliation for other users in the organisation. This includes:

  1. Sending affiliation requests to new or existing non-affiliated users in the organisation.

  2. Resending, or revoking affiliation requests.

  3. Disaffiliating affiliated users.

What does it mean for a user to be affiliated to an organisation?

To know more about how to navigate FifthDomain platform as an affiliated user, refer to this article.

Apart from being a platform wide participant, an affiliated user can do the following:

  1. Manage the organisation they are affiliated to, depending on the permissions granted:
    Depending on the permissions they have, affiliated users can create and manage content, create and manage events, and manage other users within their affiliated organisation.

  2. Have access to the Hall of Fame :
    Hall of Fame pages identify and showcase the top 100 individuals and top 100 teams within each organisation on the platform, ranked by points. You can learn more about an organisation's Hall of Fame here.

Permissions on FifthDomain platform

Default permissions

Every user on the platform, whether they are affiliated or non-affiliated, comes with two default permissions:

  1. Participate

  2. Manage Profile

Affiliated User's Additional Org-Specific Permissions

Affiliated users can also be assigned organisation-specific management permissions that include the ability to:

  1. Create

  2. Manage Events

  3. Manage Users

  4. Manage Groups

  5. Manage Content

  6. Review Content

  7. View Insights

  8. Manage Tags

  9. View Billing

The table below lists in detail the functionalities that get enabled by these permissions:

Permission Name

Description summary

List of functionalities


This is a default permission for every user on the platform. This grants users the ability to join courses, assessments, and competitions, access assigned content, view their skills overview, manage their teams, and more.

Affiliated and Non-affiliated users can :

  • Be assigned Courses, Assessments and Competitions

  • Access and attempt the Courses, Assessments and Competitions that are assigned to them

  • If affiliated, have access to the Hall of Fame

  • Access their Home page

  • Access their Skills overview page

  • Access their My Teams page and their team profiles.

  • Edit teams depending on their team member role.

Affiliated (only) users can:

  • Access the Hall of Fame

Manage Profile

This is a default permission for every user on the platform.

Affiliated and Non-affiliated users can :

  • Sign in and sign out of the platform

  • Change their password

  • Access support

  • Access and edit their profile

Affiliated (only) users can:

  • Disaffiliate from the organisation

Manage Content

This is the ultimate content management permission within the organisation. Users with this permission have access to all content library functionalities and features.

Users can:

  • Create content including Challenges, VMs, Labs, Quizzes.

  • They can edit content in draft, in-review and published state.

  • They can approve the publishing of challenges.

  • They can apply tags to challenges in the Challenge Library

  • They can transfer ownership of content owned by the organisation to another organisation.

Manage Users

Users with this permission are able to manage users within an organisation. They are also able to manage affiliation of users in an organisation along with having access to all affiliation related features on the platform.

  • View all Affiliated and Non-affiliated users in an organisation. This includes:

    • Viewing list of these users.

    • Viewing their profiles.

    • Along with viewing an affiliated user's profile, they can overlay work role onto an affiliated user's skills, and generate targeted training activities for them.

  • They can manage affiliation of users which includes:

    • Sending affiliation request invitations to new users.

    • Sending affiliation request to non-affiliated users.

    • Revoking affiliation request.

    • Disaffiliating affiliated users.

  • They can create and manage Squads in an organisation. This includes:

    • Creating, Viewing and Editing Squads.

    • Appointing Squad Managers to a squad.

Manage Squads

Users with this permission are available to be selected to be the Squad Managers.

Note: Only users with "Manage Users" permission can appoint Squad Manager(s) for a squad

If these users are appointed to be Squad Manager for a squad then,

  • They can view this squad including all the squad members, and the cumulative squad skills.

  • They can add or remove Squad Members and Squad Viewers.

  • They can view detailed user profiles of the contributing members of the squad which includes the Squad Managers and Squad Members.

Manage Events

Affiliated users can create, edit, and oversee courses, assessments, and competitions within their organisation. They also have the power to invite other users and manage participants within these events.

  • View, create and edit Courses, Assessments and Competitions

  • Run and manage Courses, Assessments and Competitions

  • Invite users and managers users within Courses, Assessments and Competitions

View Insights

Users with this permission are able to view organisation dashboards and event insights in an organisation

  • They can view everything including insights in Courses, Competitions and Assessments

  • View assigned dashboards


This encompasses the creation and management of created challenges, labs, challenges, and quizzes

  • Create Labs, Challenges and Quizzes

  • Upload VM Images

  • Snapshot VMs

  • Edit all Labs, VM Images, Challenges and Quizzes that were created by themselves.

Manage Groups

This permission allows the affiliated user to manage groups within the organisation.

View, create, edit and delete Groups

Manage Tags

This permission allows the user to manage tags within an organisation. It is important to note that this permission is not needed for the application of the created tags.

Create, edit and archive tags within an organisation

Review Content

This permission allows the user to review and edit parts of challenges that are in-review state. The user with Review-Content permission has exclusive right along side Manage Content permission to approve challenges to be published.

This permission will allow the user to review and test the challenges that they have been assigned to review.

View Billing

This permission will allow the user to view billing related data on the platform.

This permission will allow the user to view billing related data on the platform.

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