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Viewing the Competition Overview Page
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Written by FifthDomain
Updated over 9 months ago

This article provides detailed information for an Admin or Manager on the data provided on a competition’s Overview page.


The Overview page uses the following terminology:

  • Attempt: A participant or team “attempts” a challenge whenever they submit a solution for the challenge. This includes both correct and incorrect submissions

  • Points: Points are an estimate of the effort required to solve a challenge. Points are determined based on the challenge’s difficulty and the estimated time required to solve the challenge

  • Solve: A participant or team “solves” a challenge by submitting the correct solution for a challenge

Overview Bar

The Overview Bar, shown in the image below, displays the following information:

  • Competition Status: This section shows the competition’s current status

  • Start Date: This section shows the competition’s start date and time. Participants or teams cannot attempt challenges before this time

  • End Date: This section shows when the competition is scheduled to end. Participants or teams cannot attempt challenges after this time

  • Time Remaining: This section shows the time remaining until the competition ends

Competition Donuts

The Overview page includes two different donut charts:

  • Challenges Completed by Professional Specialty Donut : This chart shows the how many times challenges in each Professional Specialty has been solved, expressed as a percentage of the total number of solves across all categories for the competition. Each segment of the Donut reflects a different Professional Specialty.

    The Most Favoured Professional Specialty shows the Professional Specialty with the highest number of solves across all participants or teams. Conversely, the Least Favoured Professional Specialty shows the category with the least number of solves

  • Challenges Completed by Proficiency Donut : This chart shows a breakdown of the total number of solves by all participants or teams based on the proficiency level of the challenges. Each segment of the Donut reflects a different proficiency level.

    The Proficiency Percentages show the percentage of solves per proficiency level. This is calculated by dividing the total number of solves for a given proficiency level by the total number of solves for all proficiency levels.

Performance Bar

The Performance bar provides insights into the performance of the participants or teams in the competition. The bar includes the following information:

  • Participants/Teams Invited : This card shows the number of participants or teams invited to the competition

  • Challenges Solved : This card shows the number of challenges that have been solved by at least one participant or team, as compared to the total number of challenges in the competition

  • Average Points : This card shows the average number of the points scored by participants or teams

  • Average Solves : This card shows the average number of challenges solved by participants or teams, as compared to the total number of challenges in the competition

  • Average Success Rate : This card shows the average success rate of participants or teams. This is calculated by dividing the total number of solves for all participants or teams by the total number of attempts by all participants or teams

Competition Leaders

The Overview page includes two different Top Five tables:

  • Most Points : This table shows the Top 5 participants or teams in terms of the number of points scored

  • Most Solves : This table shows the Top 5 participants or teams in terms of the number of challenges solved

Challenge Analytics table

The "Challenge Analytics" table is an invaluable resource for understanding participants'/teams' engagement with specific challenges during a competition. This table provides a concise snapshot of challenges that have been solved versus those that remain unsolved.

It details the number of teams or individuals that have attempted or successfully solved each challenge, and for challenges that have been solved, it identifies who achieved the "first blood," i.e., who solved the challenge first.

The table includes several key columns:

  1. Solve Status: This column allows event organisers to see whether a challenge has been solved by any team or individual. A green icon signifies that the challenge has been solved, while a red icon indicates it remains unsolved.

  2. Points

  3. Professional Specialty

  4. Solves by: This column shows the count of teams or individuals that have solved the challenge.

  5. Attempts by: This column shows the count of teams or individuals that have attempted the challenge.

  6. First Blood by: This column records the name of the team or participant alias who first solved the challenge. Event organisers can click on these names to view their competition profiles, offering deeper insights into their approach to the challenges.

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