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Viewing Competition Insights

This article provides detailed information for admins/managers on viewing a participant's competition profile

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Written by FifthDomain
Updated over 10 months ago


The competition Insights page uses the following terminology:

Competition Rank: For every competition, all the candidates are ranked based on the number of points scored in that competition.

Competition Score : A comprehensive score which is the function of Success (challenges successfully solved), Efficiency(scoring points with least number of tries), and Speed(quickness in completing the assessment).

This is a number score between 0 and 100.

Success: Success is measured by the individual's capability to capture flags. It factors in the points scored for the successfully completed challenges, where: 0= No points achieved; 100= All Points achieved

Efficiency: Efficiency is measured as a number score between 0-100.

Efficiency measures the individual's ability to score points while making the least number of attempts for challenges.

Speed: Speed is measured as a number score between 0-100.

Speed is determined by the individual's capability to complete the competition in the quickest possible time.

Skill: Skills indicate the specific, acquired ability necessary to solve a challenge within a given timeframe or effort.

Score of a skill: Like assessment score, score in a skill is calculated as a function of the following:

  • Success in solving challenges that are assessing for that skill.

  • Efficiency in solving challenges that are assessing for that skill. This is measured by the ability to solve with least number of tries.

  • Speed in solving challenges that are assessing for that skill. This is measured by quickness in solving these challenges.

Professional Specialty-Professional specialties denote broad categories of cyber operations. Each challenge aligns with one of these specialties, providing a structured framework for classification.

Accessing Participant's Competition Insights page

The platform generates an insights page for all participants who have solved at least one challenge in a competition.

Path 1 : From the Scoreboard Tab

Admins/managers can access the Insights tab from the Scoreboard[1] tab in a competition. Click on the View[3] button next to the participant you want to view the insights for in the Leaderboard[2] table.

Note: The View button is only enabled if the participant has solved at least one challenge in a competition. For those who haven't yet solved a challenge still appear in the leaderboard but do not yet have an Insights page.

Upon clicking, you will be directed to the Insights tab within the competition with the participant's Insights open with participant's name is pre-selected.

Path 2: From the Insights Tab

Under the Insights[1] tab within a competition, admins/managers can select a participant from the Participant name dropdown[2].

When a participant is selected, their Competition Insights load on this page.

Note: Names of only those participants appear in the dropdown list who have solved at least one challenge in the competition.

Viewing a Participant's Competition Insights

Once you are on the Insights page, with a participant name selected, you will see their competition interaction data populate on this page.

The Insights page is divided into five sections:

  • Top competition stats bar.

  • Overall Competition performance : This section gives you an overall view of how successful, efficient and quick the participant has been in this competition.

  • Progress in different categories: This section highlights the progress of a participant in terms of proficiency, and Professional specialties.

  • Performance within skills: This section gives you a view of how successful, efficient and quick the participant has been within each skill that was assessed for in this competition.

  • Approach: This section captures the participant's allocation of time across each attempted challenge, number of attempts and whether or not they were able to solve it, providing a nuanced perspective on their approach.

Section 1: Top stats bar

This bar gives a quick statistical overview of the participant which includes participant's competition rank, participant's progress status, points achieved, flags achieved and first bloods.

Section 2: Overall Competition performance

The performance of a participant in a competition is represented in the following three measures, plotted on a radar graph:

  1. Success: Success is measured by the individual's capability to capture flags. It factors in the points scored for the successfully completed challenges.

  2. Speed: Speed is determined by the individual's capability to complete the competition in the quickest possible time.

  3. Efficiency: Efficiency measures the individual's ability to score points while making the least number of attempts for challenges.

On the triangle, these measures are plotted in a blue line for the participant. The grey line represents the competition cohort average.

Section 3: Progress by Proficiency and Professional Specialty

This section covers a participant's progress in a competition in terms of Proficiency levels of challenges and the Professional Specialties they belong in.

The donut[1] captures the challenges that are solved by Proficiency. Each Proficiency level corresponds to a specific colour, with individual segments on the doughnut symbolising distinct challenges. A darker shade of a colour indicates a solved challenge, while a lighter version signifies an unsolved one.

You can explore challenge specifics by hovering over a segment, which opens a tooltip[2] showing the Challenge Name, points, completion status, and number of attempts.

On the right of the donut, you can see the list[3] of number of challenges solved against the number of challenges available within the 5 different Proficiencies.

The bar chart[4] graphically illustrates the challenges addressed by Professional Specialty. Each Professional Specialty level corresponds to a specific colour, with individual segments on the bars symbolising distinct challenges. A darker shade of a colour indicates a solved challenge, while a lighter version signifies an unsolved one.

You can explore challenge specifics by hovering over a segment, which opens a tooltip[5] showing the Challenge Name, points, completion status, and number of attempts.

On the right of the donut, you can see the list[6] of number of challenges solved against the number of challenges available within different Professional Specialties.

Section 4: Performance within skills

This section demonstrates the performance of a participant in different skills that are covered within this competition. The skills are plotted on the x-axis and named in their abbreviations. On y-axis, is the skill score which is a score calculated based on the success, efficiency and speed demonstrated in solving challenges within that skill.

The blue line shows their score in a particular skill, and the black line shows the average performance of the cohort. You can hover over the line to see the performance in that skill compared to the cohort average.

Section 5: Approach

This visualisation offers valuable insights into the participant's journey, shedding light on the their endeavour by showcasing a chronological display of when they opened a challenge, when they entered it, when and how many times they attempted it and when they solved it. This captures the participant's allocation of time across each attempted challenge, providing a nuanced perspective on their approach.

The x-axis represents time, and each row represents a challenge that is included in the competition.

Following participant activity along with the time is recorded on this table:

  • Open- A “Open” event is when a participant opens a challenge and views its basic details.

  • Started- After having viewed the basic details, a “Start” event occurs when a participant engages further transitioning into the expanded challenge view. The expanded challenge view encompasses attachments, lab or container environments, and hints.

  • Attempt- An "Attempt" is logged when a participant submits their response or FLAG for the challenge. Participant have the flexibility to make multiple attempts according to their preference. Nonetheless, their efficiency rating gradually diminishes with each subsequent attempt.

  • Solved-A challenge is marked “Solved” when the participant enters the correct FLAG

Each of these actions are represented by an icon as following:

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