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Creating, Editing and Managing Squads
Creating, Editing and Managing Squads
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Written by FifthDomain
Updated over a week ago

📖 This article gives detailed information for:

  • Affiliated users with Manage Users permission on how to create a squad, and edit and view all squads in the affiliated organisation.

  • Affiliated users with Manage Squad permission on how to view and partly edit the squad they are the Squad Manager for.

  • Affiliated users with Manage Users, View Insights or Manage Squad permissions on how to view the Squad they are assigned as Squad Viewer(s) for.

What are squads?

A Squad is a group of affiliated users in an organisation, that could represent a team or a department within an organisation. Squads help managers to see combined cyber operational skills of these group of users to understand the strengths and gaps in their team. The introduction of Squads enables organisational managers to tailor the FifthDomain platform configuration to accurately reflect the actual structure of their company, ensuring a more cohesive and effective management of cybersecurity capabilities.

User types within a squad

User types associated with a squad are:

Who can create Squads?

Users with "Manage Users" permission.

  1. Any affiliated user in your organisation who has Manage Users permission can create a new squad , and/or view/edit an existing squad in your organisation.

  2. These users are the ones who appoint Squad Manager(s) of a squad. Only they have the power to add or remove Squad Manager(s) in a squad.

  3. They are not contributing members of the squad, unless they appoint themselves as a Squad Manager or Member. This means that their skills are not included in the combined skills of the squad.

Squad Manager(s):

Pre-requisite : "Manage Squad" permission

  1. A Squad Manager is appointed by the affiliated user with Manage Users permission who is creating, or editing a squad.

  2. A Squad Manager is a user with “Manage Squad” permission.

  3. A Squad Manager is the contributing member of the squad, which means that their skills are included in the combined skills of a squad.

  4. As a rule, one user can contribute to only one squad at a time, which means that a user can be a Squad Manager for only one squad at a time.

  5. A Squad Manager has the power to add and remove Squad Members and Squad Viewers.

  6. A Squad Manager has visibility has access to view and edit the squad they are the Squad Manager for. This means they can view the Squad Skills as well as all the users within the squad.

  7. A squad manager can also see the detailed profiles of all the contributing members of the squad including Squad Managers and Squad Members.

Squad Member(s):

Pre-requisite : Affiliated user in the organisation with or without any permission.

  1. Squad Member(s) are added either by affiliated users with Manage Users permission during creation and editing of a squad, or by Squad Managers of a squad.

  2. Anyone affiliated to an organisation with or without extra manager permissions can be added as a Squad Member of a squad.

  3. A Squad Member is the contributing member of the squad, which means that their skills are included in the combined skills of a squad.

  4. As a rule, one user can contribute to only one squad at a time, which means that a user can be a Squad Member for only one squad at a time.

  5. A Squad Member does not have access to view the squad details such as squad skills, other members and managers of the squad. The only visibility they have of the squad they are a part of is the squad name, which is indicated on their Home Page.

Squad Viewer(s):

Pre-requisite : "Manage Users", or "View Insights", or "Manage Squad" permissions

  1. Squad Viewer(s) are added either by affiliated users with Manage Users permission during creation and editing of a squad, or by Squad Managers of a squad.

  2. Affiliated users with Manage Users, View Insights or Manage Squad permissions can be added as Squad Viewer(s) for squads.

  3. A Squad Viewer has access to view the combined squad skills and the member list of the squad.

  4. A Squad Viewer is not a contributing member of the squad, which means that their skills are not included in the combined skills of the squad.

  5. An affiliated users with Manage Users, View Insights or Manage Squad permission can become Squad Viewer for multiple squads as they are not contributing members of a squad.

Creating a Squad

As mentioned above, as a user with Manage Users permission, you can create a new squad in your organisation on FifthDomain platform. Click on the Squad[1] card on the left navigation bar, and click on Create a New Squad[2] button.

This opens the Create a Squad form, which is a two page form as shown in the stepper below:

Adding Squad Details

On the first page, you can name the squad by typing a name into the Squad Name [1] text box. You can add a description by using the Squad Description [2] text box. You can then proceed to add users to the Squad by clicking the Next [3] button. Alternatively, you can close the form without creating a group by clicking the Cancel [4] button.

Adding Squad Users

Squad Managers

On the next page, you have to mandatorily assign at least one Squad Manager by clicking the Assign Squad Manager(s) button. You can assign multiple Squad Managers if you wish to do so.

This opens the Assign Squad Manager(s) modal, where you can access a list of all the affiliated users with Manage Squad permissions, and the ones that are not yet associated with any other squad as a Squad Manager or a Squad Member.

This list can be accessed via the dropdown[1], where using checkboxes[2] you can select the users you want to assign as Squad Managers for this squad. Once selected, you can click the Add[3] button to complete adding the Squad Managers. You would be prompted to add at least one Squad Manager as a squad can’t be created without one.

Squad Viewers

Optionally, you can also add Squad Viewers by clicking the Add Squad Viewer(s) button.

This opens the Add Squad Viewer(s) modal, which you can access a list of all affiliated users in your organisation with Manage Users, View Insights and Manage Squad permissions.

This list can be accessed via the dropdown[1], where using checkboxes[2] you can select the users you want to assign as Squad Viewers for this squad. Once selected, you can click the Add[3] button to complete adding the Squad Viewers.

Squad Members

Optionally, you can also add Squad Members by clicking the Add Squad Member(s) button.

This opens the Add Squad Viewer(s) modal, which you can access a list of all affiliated users in your organisation that are not yet associated with any other squad as a Squad Manager or a Squad Member.

This list can be accessed via the dropdown[1], where using checkboxes[2] you can select the users you want to assign as Squad Members for this squad. Once selected, you can click the Add[3] button to complete adding the Squad Members.

Once the users are added, they can be removed as well by clicking the Remove[1] buttons.

After at least one Squad Manager is assigned, you can click the Create Squad[2] button to finish creating a squad.

Deleting a Squad

As a user with Manage User permission, you can delete any squad in your organisation. On the Squads[1] page, using the row action[2] icon button, click the delete[3] button to delete the squad you want to delete.

You will be asked to confirm if you would like to proceed with the squad deletion. Click on Delete[1] to confirm or Cancel[2] to cancel.

After a squad is deleted, it is no longer accessible from the squads page. The members of the deleted squad become available to be included as members or managers in another squad if required.

Viewing/Editing a Squad

Accessing Squad(s)

Squads can be accessed by clicking on Squad(s) card on the left navigation bar. The number of squads you can have access to, depends on your permissions, and your role in squad(s) associated with you:

  • As a user with Manage User permission will have see all squads in an organisation on the Squads page, accessible via clicking on the Squads[1] card on left nav bar. Using the row action[2] icon button, click on View/Edit[3] button to open a specific squad page.

  • If you are assigned as a Squad Manager for a squad, clicking on the Squad(s) card from left nav bar may take you to your squad directly, as in this case, you are engaged with only one squad.

  • If you are assigned as Squad Viewer for one or more squads, you will also see the Squad(s)[1] card on the left nav bar, which will take you to the squads page, showing only the squads that you are the Squad Viewer for. Click on the View[2] button to open a specific squad’s page.

Squad Skills Tab

When you view a squad, you are directly navigated to the Squad Skills tab by default. This is where you can see cumulative skills of all contributing members of the squad. Refer to this article for detailed information about this tab.

Squad Management Tab

Click the Squad Management tab to view and manage all users associated with the squad. Depending on your permissions, and/or squad role, you may be able to edit sections on this page.

Note: Access to the Squad Management section is restricted if your role is limited to that of a Squad Viewer.

Squad Description

Here, you'll find a brief outline of the squad, provided it was detailed at the time of squad formation. Users holding the 'Manage Users' permission have the capability to update this description. In contrast, those designated as Squad Managers possess viewing rights only, without the option to make edits to the description

Squad Creator(User with “Manage Users” permission):

Squad Manager view:

Squad Managers

On the Squad Manager(s) table, you will find the list of all Squad Managers for this squad. Users holding the 'Manage Users' permission have the capability to edit this list by adding Squad Managers using Add Squad Managers[1] button or removing Squad Managers by clicking Remove[2] button. They can also view profile of each Squad Manager by clicking View Profile[3] button.

When you click the "Remove" button, a confirmation modal will appear. To proceed with removing the Squad Manager, click the Remove[1] button within the modal. If you decide not to proceed, click Cancel[2].However, Squad Managers themselves can only view the list.

Squad Managers themselves can only view the list of the managers and don't have the ability to remove existing Squad managers or add new ones. Since Squad Managers are contributing members of the squad, a Squad Manager can see profiles of the other squad managers including their own by clicking View Profile button.

Squad Viewers

On the Squad Viewer(s) table, you will find the list of all Squad Viewers for this squad. Both users with 'Manage Users' permission and Squad Managers have the capability to edit this list by using Add Squad Viewers[1] button for adding and by clicking Remove[2] button for removing Squad Viewers.

When you click the "Remove" button, a confirmation modal will appear. To proceed with removing the Squad Viewer, click the Remove[1] button within the modal. If you decide not to proceed, click Cancel[2].

Squad Members

On the Squad Member(s) table, you will find the list of all Squad Members for this squad. Both users with 'Manage Users' permission and Squad Managers have the capability to edit this list by using Add Squad Member(s)[1] button for adding and by clicking Remove[2] button for removing Squad members.

Since Squad Members are contributing members of the squad, both Squad Manager and users with Manage Users permission can see profiles of all squad members by clicking View Profile[3] button.

When you click the "Remove" button, a confirmation modal will appear. To proceed with removing the Squad Member, click the Remove[1] button within the modal. If you decide not to proceed, click Cancel[2].

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