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Manage Challenges Page Overview
FifthDomain avatar
Written by FifthDomain
Updated over a week ago

Affiliated users with 'Manage Content', 'Review Content', 'Create Content' permissions can access this page. What one can do on this page depends on your permissions and the ownership status of the content.


In this section, the challenge can be mapped to the right meta data including:

  • Professional Specialty-Professional specialties denote broad categories of cyber operations. Each challenge aligns with one of these specialties, providing a structured framework for classification.

  • Skills- Skills indicate the specific, acquired ability necessary to solve a challenge within a given timeframe or effort. Each challenge should necessitate one or two specific skills linked to the relevant professional specialty.

  • Techniques- Technologies include the environments (e.g., Windows, Linux, Docker) and tools (e.g., Splunk, Nessus, Python) incorporated within the challenge, crucial for its resolution.

  • Technologies-Techniques refer to the specific methods or strategies required to resolve a challenge. There is a preset list of techniques to select from, with the option to add more if needed.

Accessing Manage Challenges page

As an affiliated user with "Manage Content", "Create Content", and/or "Review Content" permissions, you can access the Manage Challenges page by clicking Content[1] on the navigation bar, and choosing Challenges[2] card.

Ownership definition

Owned content

This is the content that is owned by your organisation. It is the content you have created in your organisation and/or the content that your organisation has purchased the ownership of, from another organization. For an owned piece of content, following actions are possible :

-It can be edited.

-It’s ownership can be transferred to another organisation if it is published.

-It can be packaged in events(Competitions, Courses and Assessments) if it is published.

-Tags can be applied to it.

Leased content

This is the content that has been borrowed from another owner organisation under a contract. For a leased piece of content, following actions are possible:

-It It can be packaged in events(Competitions, Courses and Assessments).

-Tags can be applied to it.

What’s on this page

This is the page, that has all challenges in your organisation, including published challenges, which could be either owned or leased; challenges that are still in draft or in-review.

Tabs on top[1]

  1. Published: This has all the published challenges in your organisation, which are the challenges that can be now added to events.

  2. In-Review: This has all the challenges that are in-review and yet to be published.

  3. Draft: Only the challenges/tasks that have not been published yet, are under Draft tab.

  4. Rejected: This has the challenges that did not qualify the review process and were rejected.

Create button[2]

On FD platform, you are able to create your own challenges in your organisation by simply clicking on the Create button. To know more about challenge creation, click here.

Visual representation of the content profile[3]

  1. Professional Specialty composition radial chart

    • You can see the percentage split of challenges associated with different professional specialties. Each segment represents one of the following professional specialty:

      • Engineering

      • Protection

      • Detection

      • Penetration

      • Intelligence

    • Upon hovering over any segment, you will be able to see the details like:

      • Number of challenges in that specialty

      • Percentage of that


Proficiency composition radial chart

  • You can see the percentage split of challenges associated with different proficiency levels. Each segment represents one of the following proficiency:

    • Novice

    • Advanced Beginner

    • Competent

    • Proficient

    • Expert

  • Upon hovering over any segment, you will be able to see the details like:

    • Number of challenges in that proficiency level

    • Percentage of that proficiency level

Type Composition: A pie chart representing percentage of Static and Lab-based challenges. You can hover over a segment/difficulty type on the pie chart to reveal

  • The percentage of Challenges of a type (Static or Lab based)

  • Total number of Challenges of a type (Static or Lab based)

Challenges Table: Overview

The Challenges table houses all the relevant information regarding a challenge piece, and the actions one can perform upon the challenge(s).

Challenges Table: Content

For all the challenges, following columns are included in the table:

  1. Checkboxes- To perform bulk actions, which are described further below on this page.

  2. Name of the Challenge

  3. Points

  4. Ownership Status- Whether the challenge is Owned or Leased

  5. Professional specialty

  6. Skills

  7. Techniques

  8. Technologies

  9. Creator/Provider:

    1. If the challenge is owned, creator is mentioned. For challenges created in your org, the name of the creator is mentioned. If your organisation purchased ownership of a challenge from some other organisation which created the challenge, name of the. organisation appears as the creator.

    2. The the challenge is provided, the name of the provider organisation appears that owns the challenge.

  10. Type- This column mentions the type of challenge out of the three types:

    1. Static: These are the challenges that have static attachments such as PDF, Markdown files, images etc.

    2. Lab based: These are interactive challenges that have virtual Lab environments.

  11. Solves: The number of total successful solves of that task/challenge over all the competitions/assessments of your organisation it was a part of.

  12. Assigned Tags: This column shows information regarding the tags assigned to a challenge in your organisation. Applying Tags to Challenges

Note: Since the table is data rich and with many columns, you can select the columns that are displayed by selecting the Column selection icon[1] , and then switching the toggles on for the columns in the Columns view list[2] that are most relevant to you.

Under the Challenge name, there are important chips of information:

  1. Difficulty level

  2. Never Solved Before: If the challenge has never been solved before, it will be represented by this red chip

Challenges Table: Bulk Actions

As an organisation Admin, you have access to bulk actions on this page. Bulk action[2] drop down menu appears as soon as you select one or more Checkboxes[1] for the challenges in the challenge table. Depending on the nature of ownership of the challenge, the applicable bulk actions will be different.

Bulk Action 1: Transfer of Ownership

  • This bulk action is applicable to: Published and Owned content only

This action allows the org admin to transfer the ownership of challenge(s) to a different organisation. As soon as a piece of challenge is transferred, it will not be in your organisation library anymore. To understand this feature in detail, please refer <add link>

Bulk Action 2: Bulk Assign Tags

  • This bulk action is applicable to: Published content only. It is applicable to both owned and provided content.

This action allows to add tags in bulk to one or more challenges. Tagging is a system that allows org admins and managers to better organise and track their content. To understand this feature in detail, please refer <add link>

Bulk Action 3: Bulk Remove Tags

  • This bulk action is applicable to: Published content only. It is applicable to both owned and provided content.

This action allows to remove tags in bulk from one or more tasks/challenges. To understand this feature in detail, please refer <add link>

Challenges Table: Individual Actions

Individual Action 1: View

Admins, and a manager with create permission can view all the/challenges on this page. Both published and draft challenges can be viewed. Simply click on the Action Icon[1] and select View[2] option to open the Challenge drawer.

The drawer has all the information related to the challenge.

Individual Action 2: Edit

Admins, and creators of the challenge can see this option. Both published and draft challenges can be edited. Simply click on the Action Icon[1] and select Edit[2] option to edit the Challenge.

Individual Action 3: Add/Remove Tags

Admins, and creators of the challenge can see this option. Both published and draft challenges can have tags applied to. Simply click on the Action Icon[1] and select Add/Remove tags[2] option to apply tags to the Challenge . To understand more on applying tags to challenges, please refer <link>

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