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Navigating your Home Page as an Admin or a Manager of an organization
Navigating your Home Page as an Admin or a Manager of an organization

This article gives detailed information on how to navigate landing page available to an admin or a manager.

FifthDomain avatar
Written by FifthDomain
Updated over 9 months ago


Admin/Manager Home page gives the users relevant information in a snapshot and behaves as a convenient launchpad into the various managerial functions of the platform. Admins/managers can

  • See, create and manage all the Events[1](Courses, Assessments and Competitions) in one place. You still have tabs to have filtered views to see/create/manage each of those events separately.

  • View all the users[2](Admins, Managers and Participants) in your organization in a snapshot- including their permissions, and whether or not they have been registered.

  • View the profile of the challenges[3] in your organization.

  • Have access to the lease catalogue, where you can upgrade your challenge library.

Section 1 : Events

The Events table has all the events (Competitions, Assessments, and Courses) created in your organization. The Events Table has list

arranged chronologically according to the date and time of creation, where there are following tabs:

  • All showing all events that were created in this organisation.

  • Courses represented by a green icon. The number in the bracket (n) in the tabs represents the number of courses created in your org.

  • Assessments represented by a pink icon .The number in the bracket (n) in the tabs represents the number of assessments created in your org.

  • Competitions represented by a purple icon .The number in the bracket (n) in the tabs represents the number of competitions created in your org.

  • Archived have a list of all the competitions and assessments that have been archived.

Creating Events

You can create Competitions, Courses and Assessments from the Events section by clicking Create[1] button, and then selecting the Event Type[2] from the drop down list

To know more about how to create events refer to these support articles:

You can manage Courses, Competitions and Assessments from the events table.

Viewing, Editing or Duplicating Competitions and Assessments

For competitions/assessments that have not been ended yet- these include the events that are yet to start or are in progress, following actions can be performed:

To do this, click on the action icon[1] of a competition, and choose the desired action in the action dropdown[2] mentioned above.

Archiving Competitions/ Assessments

Competitions/assessments that have been ended can be archived.

Archived events will move to the "Archived" tab in the Events table, from where they can be unarchived. It is a way to clean up the events table so that event organisers maintain what is current for best management.

To archive events, click on the action icon[1] of a competition or assessment row, and choose the Archive action in the action dropdown[2].

To understand more on how to archive a competition, refer to this article.

To understand more on how to archive an assessment, refer to this article.

Managing Courses

To manage courses, click on the action icon[1] of a course and then choose the desired action from the action dropdown[2].

Following is the list of actions you can perform on an existing courses:

  1. Deleting a course- You can delete a course by simply choosing Delete option from the action dropdown of a course as seen in the above screenshot.

Section 2: Organisation Users

This section is a snapshot of all the users in your organisation. You can see the number of users under different roles:

  1. Admins- Administrator is a key role responsible for the overall management of all aspects within the organization.

    • Any user who is assigned the role of Admin has all the permissions available on the platform

    • From the users section on Admin/manager homepage, you can see number of Admins.

  1. Managers-A manager within an organization is an individual entrusted with specific responsibilities.

    • From here you can see total number of managers in your organisation.

    • The permissions assigned to managers vary based on their respective roles and duties. You can see the number of managers associated with different permissions available on the platform by expanding the Permissions drop down.

  1. Participants- A participant is the user invited to participate in events(Courses, Competitions and Assessments) on FD platform.

    • You can see the number of participants in Competitions, Assessments and Courses

    • Out of the number of participants for Competitions, Assessments and courses, you can see number of registered and invited participants

To navigate to Manage Users page, click on View button on the Org Users section.

Section 3: Organisation Content

This section is a snapshot of the profile of challenges in your organisation. If you wish to go to the Manage Challenges page, you can click on the View button.

You can see here:

  • Total Number of challenges

  • Number of Professional specialties covered by the challenges in your organisation

  • Professional Specialty composition radial chart

    • You can see the percentage split of challenges associated with different professional specialties. Each segment represents one of the following professional specialty:

      • Engineering

      • Protection

      • Detection

      • Penetration

      • Intelligence

Proficiency composition radial chart

  • You can see the percentage split of challenges associated with different proficiency levels. Each segment represents one of the following proficiency:

    • Novice

    • Advanced Beginner

    • Competent

    • Proficient

    • Expert

Challenge Type composition radial chart

  • You can see the percentage split of challenges associated with different type formats. Each segment represents one of the following formats :

    • Static

    • Lab-based

    • Container Based

You can hover on the segments in the donut charts to reveal more information.

For example in the screenshot below, upon hovering the green segment on the Proficiency Donut, you will be able to see number of published Novice challenges in your organisation's library, and their percentage out of the total.



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