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Creating Courses
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Written by FifthDomain
Updated over a week ago

📖 Note: This article provides detailed information for a Manager with ‘Manage Events’ permission on how to create a course.

Creating a New Course

On the "Manage" mode homepage, on the "Events in this organisation" table, click on Create[1] button, and select Courses[2] from the dropdown, to begin creating a course.

Adding Course Details

You can specify a Course Name [1] and Course Description [2] using the relevant text boxes. You also select whether to make the course available for users to attempt by checking the Availability [3] check box.

When you’ve entered the course details, you can click Next [4] to go to the next section or Save Draft [5] to save your progress. You can also click Cancel [6] if you no longer wish to create the course.

Adding Course Material

A course on FifthDomain is organised into primary groupings known as 'Modules'. Each module consists of various parts, featuring a range of content types including PDFs, markdown files, labs, quizzes, and videos.

To begin creating your first module, click on Add module card as shown in the image below.

Creating a New Module

Upon clicking the Add Module button, an expanded form oens where you can then enter a Module Name [1] into the text box, followed by a Module Description [2].

You also need to provide Estimated Learning Time[3] for this module in minutes.

You can see the estimate get recorded on the module panel[4] for each module on the top left of the form, and the total estimate for the entire course on the course panel[5].

Adding a New Part

You’ll then have to add a part in order to save the module. The next section provides more information on adding parts. You can add more modules by clicking Add Module, as shown below. A ‘part’ is a subsection of a module. There are five types of parts:

  • PDFs

  • Markdowns

  • Labs

  • Videos

  • Quizzes

You can add a new part to a module by clicking Add Part, as shown below.

✏️ Tip: You can also reorder parts within a module by dragging them to the desired order.

You will now see fields to define the part to be added. Fill in the Title[1] text box, and Description[2] text box to give this part a title and description respectively. From the Part Type[3] dropdown menu, select the type of part you want to add.

Adding a PDF and Markdown part types

If you have chosen PDF or Markdown part type, a pop-up box will appear for you to upload the file. Click Browse to select the files from your computer, as shown below. Once the right file type is selected, which is .pdf for PDF part type, and .md for markdown part type, it will appear on the screen.

Once it’s uploaded, the File Name [1] will appear under the description. You can click Upload [2] if you’d like to change the file. If you no longer wish to add this part to the module, you can click Delete [3].

Adding a Lab

Once you select the Part type to be "Lab", you’ll then be asked to enter a lab Title and Description [1] . You’ll also need to select a Lab [2] from the dropdown menu. This menu will list all available labs within your organisation.

📖 Note: All labs in lab parts have a duration of 2 hours. Participants can extend their lab instances as many times as they require, resetting their lab timers to 2 hours and retaining progress made. Participants can also reset their labs as needed, which will deploy a new lab instance and erase all progress.

Adding a Quiz

Once you select the Part type to be "Quiz", you’ll then be asked to enter a quiz Title and Description [1] . You’ll also need to select a Quiz [2] from the dropdown menu. This menu will list all available labs within your organisation.

Adding a Video

Once you select the Part type to be "Video", you’ll then be asked to enter a video Title and Description [1] .

FifthDomain currently supports adding videos hosted on Vimeo. You need to add the embed code or the iframe code into the Video URL[2] text box to add the video

Click Delete[3] button to remove this module part.

Adding Users and Groups

The final step is adding users and groups to the course. You must add at least one user or group to publish a course.

Begin to add users by using checkboxes in the Users[1] table, and Groups from the Groups[2] table.

Then using Publish[3] button, you can publish the course. You can also choose to save it as a draft by clicking Save Draft[4]button. If you want to edit any details in the previous pages , you can go back by clicking the Back[5] button.

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