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Inviting Participants to Competitions
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Written by FifthDomain
Updated over a week ago

This user guide contains information on how Admins/Managers with “Manage Trainings” permission can invite participants to competitions via competition event pages.

Navigating to Participants tab in Competitions

To invite participants to an existing competition, first navigate to Competitions [1], then click the Three Dots menu [2] and then View [3] a competition.

You will not be able to invite participants to a competition that has ended.

Navigating the Invite Participants Modal

To reach the invitation modal from a competition, click the Participants tab [1] and then click Invite [2].

This will bring up the Invite Participants modal. Participant emails that are included in the invitation instance will be listed in the Invitee Email Addresses box [1]. You will be able to paste or type email addresses directly into this box.

Alternatively, there are three other methods with which you may invite participants. Two are contained within the two tabs below the Invitee Email Addresses box. These are the Add via User Directory tab [2] and the Add via Event Participant Lists tab [3]. The third method for invitation is the Copy Event URL box [4].

Note that you can toggle between the Add via User Directory tab and the Add via Event Participant Lists tab during a single invitation instance. Data that has been selected from either tab will remain populated in the Invitee Email Addresses box as you toggle between them.

Navigating the Add via User Directory Tab

The Add via User Directory tab allows you to search for any user that is currently within your org’s user directory. To invite via this tab, type in the name of a user you wish to search for in the Search in User Directory search bar [1].

If users within the user directory match the name you have typed, they will appear in the dropdown menu below the search bar.

In the example below, one user has been selected. As such, their email has appeared in the Invitee Email Addresses box [2] as being included in the invitation instance.

Note: as at 02 May 2023, you may only search within the Add via User Directory tab with names. You are not able to search by typing in emails. This additional functionality may be added to this feature in future.

To delete a user email from the Invitee Email Addresses box, click the cross [1] next to the email you wish to delete.

Navigating the Add via Event Participant Lists Tab

The Add via Event Participants Lists tab allows you to search for current events that exist within your org and select all participants that have been invited to those events to invite to the current competition.

To search for an event, type the event name in the Search Events for Participants search bar [1]. If any event within your org matches the name you have typed, it will populate in the search results dropdown below the search bar. The event’s name will appear, along with an icon which describes the type of event that it is. Clipboards indicate assessments, trophies indicate competitions, and lightbulbs indicate courses.

Click the check box [2] next to an event you wish to select, or click Select All [3] to choose all events that have populated in the search results.

All participants that have been invited to selected events will have their emails populated in the Invitee Email Addresses box [4].

All event types of any status will be able to appear in the search results. This is regardless of how many participants have been invited to the event.

Finalising the Invitation Instance

You can use the scroll bar [1] in the Invitee Email Addresses box to check whether all relevant participants have been added.

Once you are ready to finalise the invitation instance, click Invite [2]. You will receive a toast confirmation message to confirm that invites have been sent.

If you change you mind and wish to cancel the invitation instance, click Cancel [3].

If you use the event URL method of inviting participants, you can skip this step. Once you have copied the event URL, you can click Cancel to leave the invitation instance. There is no need to click Invite unless you explicitly wish to invite specific participant emails to the event.

Inviting via the Event URL

All competitions have a unique event URL - this link cannot be edited or modified. You can share an Event link directly with external users, allowing them to participate in competitions or assessments without the need of platform invitations.

Anyone with a link is able to enter that event, simplifying the process of reaching out to and involving a larger audience.

You can copy this URL either from the invitation modal when you click Invite from within a competition, or from the Home page

Path 1: Using Link from the invitation card

If you prefer to have participants join the competition themselves rather than be directly invited, you may click the Copy Link icon [1]. This will copy the event URL to your clipboard.

Path 2: Using Event Link from the home page

For every assessment or competition created, on the Home page[1], admins/managers can find the event link via in the Events table[2] . Under the Event link column, click the Copy icon[3] button in the row for the competition you want the link for.

This copied link can be shared externally, for instance, on social media platforms like LinkedIn, your personal or organisational website, and more.

When users click on this link, they will be directed to either the login or sign-up page of the FD platform, depending on their existing registration status. Once logged in, they will gain immediate access to the specific assessment or competition.

Viewing Participants in a Competition

You can view all Participants in a competition from the Participants page, as shown in the image below. You can search for a specific Participant by clicking on the Search [1] icon. This will open a text box that will let you search for a Participant by name or email address. You can navigate between the different pages of the table by using the Arrow [2] buttons. You can also change the number of Participants shown on each page of the table by clicking on the Rows [3] dropdown menu and then selecting your desired number of rows per page.

Removing Participants

You can remove a Participant from a competition by clicking on the Delete button next to the Participant that you wish to remove, as shown in the image below. Only users with Manage Training permission can remove Participants. Note, you cannot remove a Participant who has solved a challenge.

A message will display asking you to confirm that you wish to delete the Participant. Click the Delete User [1] button to delete the Participant. Alternatively, you can close the message without deleting the Participant by clicking the Cancel [2] button.

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