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Creating New Teams as a Participant
FifthDomain avatar
Written by FifthDomain
Updated over 9 months ago

πŸ“– Note: this article explains how to create new teams as a participant via the My Teams page.

Finding the My Teams Page

To create a new team, you will need to go to the My Teams page. Click the blue button on the righthand corner of your screen to do so.

For more details on how to navigate the My Teams page, click here.

Once you are on the My Teams page, you will see the Create New Team button [1]. Click this to begin the process of creating a new team from scratch.

Entering Team Details

Clicking the Create New Team button will open up a modal on your screen asking you to enter details about the team you are creating.

Firstly, enter a name for your team in the Team Name input box [1]. Note that team names cannot be longer than 25 characters, and you won't be able to choose a team name that is already in use by another team on the platform.

Next, you will have the option to upload an avatar image for your team. If you wish to upload an avatar, click Upload Image [2]. This will open up your device's file explorer application, from which you can select an image of your choice.

Avatar images are required to be in JPEG, JPG, or PNG formats. Images over 2MB cannot be uploaded. Additionally, note that avatar images are displayed as circles, so images with a square-like ratio will be framed optimally.

Once you have uploaded an image, the Upload Image button will be disabled. If you wish to change your avatar image, you will need to remove your already uploaded image file before doing so. You can do this by clicking the cross [1] next to your image file.

Note that uploading an avatar image for your team is optional. If you choose not to do upload an image, by default, your team avatar will be a coloured circle with the initials of your team name in it.

See the team below as an example of a team without an avatar image:

Creating your Team

Once you are ready, click Create and Next [1] to create your team and begin inviting new members to it. If you change your mind, you can click Cancel [2] to stop creation of the new team. Note that any inputs will be lost if you choose to do this.

πŸ“– Note: Teams consist of two role types. These are Team Managers, who have management rights to a team (such as editing a team's name and member list), and General Members, who can view a team. You will always be assigned one of these two role types for each team you are part of.

If you create a new team, you will always automatically be assigned as a Team Manager for it. This means that in addition to being able to view the team, you will also be granted management abilities, such as being able to invite new team members, change team member role types, and remove team members.

If you do not wish to be a Team Manager for the team you are creating, you can invite members to your team, and assign them Team Manager permissions once they register onto the platform. Each team requires at least one Team Manager at all times. Therefore, once there are multiple Team Managers in a team, you will be able to change your role type to General Member if you wish.

πŸ’‘ Remember: Team role types are only applicable in the context of being able to manage teams. When participating in competitions, there is no difference in Team Managers and General Members.

Inviting Team Members

Once you click Create and Next, your new team will be created. From here, you can invite team members to your team if you wish. Type or paste the emails of those you want to add to your team in the Invitee Email Addresses box.

Once you have emails in the box, press Enter/Return on your keyboard. When you do this, the email addresses will appear as chips which you can remove individually by clicking the crosses next to an email you want to remove.

Once you are happy with the list of email invitees, click Send Invites. Your new team members will then receive emails with links to sign in or register for the platform. For more information about the process of joining a team you are invited to, click here.

πŸ“– Note: When team members are added to a team, they will always be automatically assigned the General Member role type at first. This means that they will be able to view details about the team, but won't be able to perform any management-related tasks such as removing members.

If you want to change a team member's role type from General Member to Team Manager, you can do this if you are a Team Manager. Click here to find out more.

If you don't want to invite team members to your team right now, you can click Close without inviting any members. You can always invite members to your team later when viewing your team. For more details on how to do this, click here.

Once your new team is created, it can be invited to team-based competitions by competition admins, and you will be able to view and manage your team on the My Teams page.

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