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Duplicating Assessments
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Written by FifthDomain
Updated over 6 months ago

📖 Note: This user guide contains information on how managers can duplicate an assessment.

Finding the Duplicate Action

To duplicate an existing assessment, have Manage mode selected in the mode dropdown [1] navigate to Home [2], then click the Three Dots [3] in the Actions column for the assessment you wish to duplicate. Finally, click Duplicate [4].

📖 Note: you can duplicate an assessment of the following statuses: Not Started, In Progress, and Ended. However, archived assessments will need to be unarchived before you can duplicate them.

Inputting Duplicate Assessment Details

Once the duplication action has been clicked, a Duplicate Assessment flow will open, where you can make inputs to the duplicate assessment being created.

📖 Note: In duplicate assessments, most inputs from the original assessment will be carried over for you to either leave as the same, or make edits to.

Inputs from the original will be duplicated as per the original at the time of its duplication. Note that any changes made to the original will not reflect in the duplicate after it has been created.

Changes made to a created duplicate assessment will also not carry over to the original in any way.

In the Assessment Type section, you can change the Assessment Type [1] of the duplicate being created. Note that the Assessment Type cannot be changed once the duplicate is created.

Afterwards, you can edit the duplicate’s Name [2] and Description [3] as required.

Next, using the Jump Box toggle [1], select whether you want to enable a Jump Box for participants in the assessment to be able to connect to assessment resources securely. Note that once your assessment has started, you can't change the toggle option selected. Below this, you can view and edit the duplicate assessment’s Availability [2] and Duration [3]. The duration hours and minutes will be carried from the original assessment at the time of its duplication, available for editing as required.

📖 Note: the Start and End times and dates of the original will not be carried forward - the End time and date of the duplicate assessment will need to be specified by you before proceeding.

Selecting Duplicate Assessment Challenges

After you are satisfied with your duplicate assessment’s details, you will be able to view and edit the list of challenges assigned to it.

The challenges assigned to the original assessment (at the time of its duplication) will already be selected. Use the checkbox column to select and deselect challenges as required to allocate to the duplicate assessment.

Any challenges selected will appear at the top of the page. You can see Total Challenges [1], the assessment's duration [2], and a heatmap [3] showing the coverage of selected challenges across the Cynaptic Skills Adaptor Framework's Proficiency levels and Skills.

Additionally, you can see the techniques covered in the assessment via selected challenges by clicking the Techniques tab [4]. See technologies covered by clicking the Technologies tab [5].

📖 Note: All labs in lab-based challenges have a duration of 2 hours. Participants can extend their lab instances as many times as they require, resetting their lab timers to 2 hours and retaining progress made. Participants can also reset their labs as needed, which will deploy a new lab instance and erase all progress.

Creating Messaging for a Duplicate Assessment

Next, you will be able to view and edit the messaging for the duplicate assessment being created.

You can specify a Pre-Assessment Message [1] to be displayed to participants before and during the assessment, as well as a video link [2]. Note that only Vimeo Embed URLs are supported. You can also specify a Post-Assessment Message [3] that will be displayed to participants after the assessment has been completed.

The messaging in the duplicate assessment will be pre-filled from the original for your viewing/editing.

Creating a Duplicate Assessment

Once you are ready, click Create Assessment [1].

If required, you can also click Back [2] to make updates, or Cancel [3] to abandon the process of creating the duplicate assessment.

📖 Note: you cannot duplicate the list of invited participants of an assessment. Hence, there is no step for adding participants in the creation of a duplicate assessment.

Once the duplicate is created, you will be able to View and Manage it as a regular assessment. This means you will be able to invite participants from the assessment once it is published.

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