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Revealing Hints
FifthDomain avatar
Written by FifthDomain
Updated over 9 months ago

This article gives detailed information to Admins and Manager with Manage Training permissions to reveal hints.


For any challenge that has hint(s) added, they are hidden to the participants for any event(Competitions and Assessments) by default. The event manager can choose to reveal those hint(s) at any given time before and during the event.

Hints are created during challenge creation.

Revealing Hints one at a time

For competitions and assessments, that are in NOT STARTED and IN PROGRESS status, you can choose to reveal hints at any given time.

To access the functionality to reveal hints in a challenge within a competition, navigate to Competitions overview page and click View, to open the competition.

Once inside a competition, go to Challenges[1] tab, and click View[2] for the challenge for which you want to reveal hints.

This opens the Challenge drawer. Here you will find a Reveal Hint button for every hint in the challenge. Simply click on the button to reveal the hint. This hint will now be available to the participants.

Note: Once revealed, the hint cannot be unrevealed to ensure that all participants get a fair go.

You will see the button converts to status chip - Hint Revealed

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