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Creating Quizzes
FifthDomain avatar
Written by FifthDomain
Updated over a week ago

📖 Note: This article provides detailed information for users with ‘Create’ permission on how to create quizzes.

Creating a Quiz

To create a quiz, click the Quizzes [1] tab on the sidebar to open the Manage Quizzes page. This page will provide an overview of the quizzes you have designed (and ones that you have purchased) so that you can manage them all in one location. If this is your first time visiting the page, the quizzes table will be blank unless someone else in your organisation has created a quiz. To create a quiz, click the Create Quiz [2] button.

Quiz Details

Give your quiz a name by entering one into the Quiz Name [1] text box. To add any extra information to your quiz, enter it into the Quiz Description [2] text box.

There is the option to add a Quiz Time Limit [3] which you can do by typing a number into the box or clicking the up or down arrows. There are also options to Allow Multiple Attempts [4] and/or to Send Results to Users upon Completion [4] by ticking the checkbox.

Click Next [5] to go to the next page once you’re ready to move on, click Save [6] to save your current progress or click Cancel [7] to stop creating a quiz.

Quiz Question Types

✏️ Tip: At least one question must be added to successfully create a quiz.

There are four types of questions that can be added to a quiz. These are free text, multiple choice, single choice and ordering questions.

Regardless of which quiz question you choose, you’ll first need to click Add Question, as shown in the image below.

Then, you'll need to select the question type from the Dropdown Menu, as shown below.

Below you'll find more detailed information on each type of quiz question.

Free Text Questions

Enter the quiz question into the Question [1] form field. Then, enter the Correct Answer [2] into the form field. You may wish to avoid writing free text questions where there could be more than one answer, otherwise participants will see their answer marked as wrong.

You also have the option of ticking the Case sensitive [3] and/or Whitespace sensitive [3] checkboxes. Points for the Question [4] are allocated for correct answers and you can either type a number into the box or use the up and down arrows to change the number of points.

Finally, click Add Competency [5] to select a competency for the question. There must be at least one competency added, but there is no limit to how many can be added. For more details on adding a competency, see the ‘Adding Competencies’ section below.

Once all the question details are complete, click Save [6] or click Cancel [7] to lose all changes made. If you need to return to the previous page, click Back [8]. Alternatively, if you’d like to remove the question from the quiz, hit the Delete [9] button.

Multiple Choice Questions

Enter the quiz question into the Question [1] form field. Then enter the options into the Multiple Choice Options [2] form fields. You can keep adding possible answers by clicking Add Option [3]. You can add as many options as you like.

To mark an option as the correct answer, click the Actions [4] dropdown for that option and then select Mark as Correct [5].

If you’ve made a mistake, you can click the Actions dropdown for an option marked as correct and select Unmark as Correct [1]. You can also select Delete [2] to remove an option.

You can mark more than one option as a correct answer. Points for the Question [3] are awarded for correct responses and you can either type a number into the box or use the up and down arrows to change the number of points.

Finally, click Add Competency [4] to select a competency for the question. There must be at least one competency added, but there is no limit to how many can be added. For more details on adding a competency, see the ‘Adding Competencies’ section below. If you’d like to remove the question from the quiz, hit the Delete [5] button.

Single Choice Questions

Enter the quiz question into the Question [1] text box. Then enter the options into the Single Choice Options [2] text boxes. You can keep adding possible answers by clicking Add Option [3]. You can add as many option as you like.

To mark an option as the correct answer, click the Actions [4] dropdown for that option and then select Mark as Correct [5].

If you’ve made a mistake, you can click the Actions dropdown for an option marked as correct and select Unmark as Correct [1]. You can also click Delete [2] to remove an option.

You can only mark one option as the correct answer. Points for the Question [3] are awarded for correct responses and you can either type a number into the box or use the up and down arrows to change the number of points.

Finally, click Add Competency [4] to select a competency for the question. There must be at least one competency added, but there is no limit to how many can be added. For more details on adding a competency, see the ‘Adding Competencies’ section below. If you’d like to remove the question from the quiz, hit the Delete [5] button.

Ordering Questions

Enter the quiz question into the Question [1] text box. Then, enter the options into the Ordering Options [2] text boxes. You can keep adding possible answers by clicking Add Option [3]. You can add as many options as you like. The answers will be ordered from top to bottom, so if you need to re-arrange options, you can click and drag them.

If you need to remove an option, click the Actions [4] dropdown and select Delete [5].

Points for the Question [6] are awarded for correct responses and you can either type a number into the box or use the up and down arrows to change the number of points.

Finally, click Add Competency [7] to select a competency for the question. There must be at least one competency added, but there is no limit to how many can be added. For more details on adding a competency, see the ‘Adding Competencies’ section below. If you’d like to remove the question from the quiz, hit the Delete [8] button.

Adding Competencies - TO BE UPDATED

To add competencies to a quiz question, click the Add Competency button, as shown in the image below. At least one competency must be assigned to each question.

This opens the Competency modal, where you can filter competencies by Category[1] and/or by Specialty Area[2] by using respective dropdowns.

Once Category, and/or Specialty areas are filled in, you will get a filtered list of competencies in the Competency dropdown, from where using checkboxes, you can select the desired competencies.

Click Save[1] to add competency to the quiz question, or Cancel[2] to cancel saving any changes.

Publishing a Quiz

Once you have finished creating your quiz, you can publish it by clicking the Save button, as shown below.

📖 Note: You can still edit a quiz after it’s been published by going to the Manage Quizzes page.

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