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Viewing and Editing Quizzes
FifthDomain avatar
Written by FifthDomain
Updated over a week ago

📖 Note: This article provides detailed information for users with ‘Create’ permission on how to view and edit quizzes.

Viewing All Quizzes

You can view all quizzes in your organisation by clicking the Quizzes [1] tab on the left-hand sidebar, listed under ‘Manage Content’. You can search for a quiz by clicking on the Search [2] icon.

You can change the Rows per Page [3] displayed, as well as the using the Forward and Back Arrows [4] to click between the pages of the table.

Viewing a Specific Quiz

Click the Actions [1] icon for the quiz you’d like to view and then click the View [2] option from the dropdown menu.

You’ll then be able to view Quiz Details and Quiz Questions by clicking the tabs, as shown in the image below.

Editing a Quiz

When you are viewing a quiz, you can edit the Details and/or Questions page by clicking Edit at the top right, as shown below.

On the Quiz Details page, you can edit the Quiz Name [1], Quiz Description [2], Quiz Time Limit (mins) [3], whether Multiple Attempts [4] are allowed and whether to Return Results to Users on Completion [4]. You can also Save [5] any changes made or click Cancel [6] to lose all changes made.

On the Quiz Questions page, you can edit free text quiz questions including the Question [1] and the Correct Answer [2]. You can also edit whether an answer is Case sensitive [3] and/or Whitespace sensitive [3]. You can change the Points for the Question [4], Add Competency [5] or delete competencies by clicking the Cross [6] icon next to an existing competency. You can also Delete [7] a quiz question.

For multiple choice or single choice questions, you can click Add Option [1] to add additional options. You can also change the correct answer(s) by clicking the Actions [2] icon and then selecting Mark as Correct [3], or click Delete [4] to remove an option.

If you’ve accidentally marked a wrong answer as correct, you can select Unmark as Correct [1]. You can also add more quiz questions by clicking Add Question [2]. For more information on adding quiz questions see the Creating Quizzes article.

Remember to click Save [1] so that all questions are updated, or Cancel [2] to lose any changes made.

Deleting a Quiz

📖 Note: A quiz can only be deleted if it hasn’t been attempted by a participant.

Quizzes that haven’t been attempted can be deleted from the Manage Quizzes page. Click the Actions [1] icon for the quiz that you’d like to remove and then select Delete [2] from the dropdown menu.

A warning message will appear asking if you’re sure that you want to delete the quiz. When a quiz is deleted, it is removed from all courses that it has been added to. If you’re sure you’d like to delete the quiz, click OK [1], otherwise click CANCEL [2] to keep the quiz.

📖 Note: Any quiz which is deleted will be removed from any courses it has been added to, so ensure you do not delete quizzes within courses you do not want to affect.

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