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Tag Directory and Manage Tags
Tag Directory and Manage Tags
FifthDomain avatar
Written by FifthDomain
Updated over a week ago

This article outlines how an Admin/Manager with “Manage Tags” permission can navigate the Tag Directory, and Create, Edit, and Archive/Unarchive tags within it.

Navigating the Tag Directory

Users with the Manage Tags permission will be able to access the Tag Directory by clicking Tag Directory on the sidebar.

The Tag Directory lists all tags that an organisation has created to apply onto Users and Challenges. There are different tab views on the Tag Directory page:

  • The All Tags [1] tab view shows all active User and Challenges tags, and displays the details about the tag name, colour, type (User or Challenge tag), description, creator, date of creation, and tag count (number of Users or Challenges the tag is currently applied onto).

  • The User Tags [2] tab view shows all active tags that are applicable to Users. All details displayed in the All Tags view are repeated in the User Tags view, except from Tag Type (as all tags in User Tags will be of the User Tag type).

  • The Challenge Tags [3] tab view shows all active tags that are applicable to Challenges. Like the User Tags tab view, it shows all details viewable in All Tags, except for Tag Type.

  • The Archived Tags [4] tab view shows all archived User and Challenge tags. It shows all details shown in the All Tags view tab, including Tag Type.

Active Tags refer to tags that are not currently in an archived state. Active Tags can be applied to Users or Challenges (depending on their Tag Type).

Archived Tags refer to tags that can no longer be applied to Users or Challenges (depending on their Tag Type). Users or Challenges that have been applied with a tag that is archived will still be tagged - archiving a tag only means that it cannot be further applied to new Users or Challenges.

Creating a Tag

Click the Create Tag button [1] in the top right hand corner of the Tag Directory to create a new tag. This will open a modal window for tag creation.

Once the modal has opened, enter a Tag Name [1] in the input box - this is mandatory. Tag Names must be 50 characters or less to be accepted. You will also be required to create an original tag name - Tag Names which already exist within your organization's Tag Directory will not be accepted.

You may enter a Tag Description [2] as well, although this is optional. Entering a description can be a good way to provide context and reasoning about the creation and usage of the tag for others in your organization. If you choose to enter a description, it must be 100 characters or less.

The next mandatory step is to select a Tag Type [3] - i.e. whether the tag to be created will be applicable to Challenges or Users. Tag Type cannot be edited upon tag creation, so ensure that you choose correctly, otherwise you will need to create another tag.

Finally, you will be able to select a Tag Colour [4] from a list of six colours - yellow, orange, pink, purple, blue, and teal. The default Tag Colour is yellow.

Once you have entered all relevant details, press Create [1] to confirm tag creation. If you change your mind, you may press Cancel [2] at any time, which will allow you to exit without inputs being saved.

For details on good practice tag management, click the Link [3] under the Tag Management Guidelines heading.

Editing a Tag

To edit a tag, click the Three Dots [1] under the Actions column for the tag that you wish to edit. Next, press the Edit [2] button to open up the Edit Tag modal.

You will be able to edit three tag details - the name, description, and colour of a tag. Tag Type is not editable.

Type in the Tag Name [1] input box to edit the Tag Name. Like during tag creation, Tag Names need to be 50 characters or less, and duplicate names are not permitted.

Type in the Tag Description [2] input box to update the description. Descriptions need to be 100 characters or less.

You may also update the Tag Colour [3] by selecting between the six colours available.

Once you are finished, click Save [4] to save your changes. Click Cancel [5] to exit without saving your edits.

Note that you are only able to edit Active Tags. If you wish to edit an Archived Tag, you must first unarchive it to gain access to the Edit option.

Archiving/Unarchiving a Tag

When you no longer need to use a tag, you may archive it. This will disallow a tag from being applied to Users or Challenges. However, all Users or Challenges that have already had the tag applied to them will keep the tag on them. Tags cannot be deleted in order to retain historical data.

To archive a tag, click the Three Dots [1] under the Actions column for the tag that you wish to archive. You may do this from the All Tags, User Tags, and/or Challenge Tags tab views.

Next, press the Archive [2] button to archive the tag. This will remove the tag from the active tab views (All Tags, User Tags, and Challenge Tags), and will add it to the Archived Tags tab view.

If you wish to unarchive a tag, click the Three Dots [1] under the Actions column for the tag that you wish to unarchive. You can only do this from the Archived Tags tab view.

Next, press the Unarchive [2] button to unarchive the tag. This will remove the tag from Archived Tags, and will add it back to All Tags, as well as User Tags or Challenge Tags (depending on the Tag Type).

Bulk Archiving/Unarchiving Tags

By using the checkbox column on each tab view, you can select multiple tags to bulk archive or bulk unarchive them.

To bulk archive, use to checkbox column [1] to select all tags you wish to archive from either All Tags, User Tags, or Challenge Tags. Selecting a tag via the checkbox will make the Bulk Archive [2] button appear. Click this button to archive all selected tags.

To bulk unarchive, use to checkbox column [1] to select all tags you wish to archive from Archived Tags. Selecting a tag via the checkbox will make the Bulk Unarchive [2] button appear. Click this button to unarchive all selected tags.

Note that the Tag Directory is purposed solely to view, create, edit, and archive/unarchive tags. The application of of Challenge Tags will reside within Content. The application of User Tags will reside within Users.

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